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За водаМаркучи за вода

За пренос на горива Маркучи за горива

За аспирация Маркучи за аспирация

Маркучи за въздух Маркучи за въздух

Маркучи за храни и напитки Маркучи за храни

За химикали Маркучи за химикали

Пренос на газове Маркучи за газове

Маркучи за гореща вода и пара За гореща вода и пара

За автомобили и лодки За автомобили и лодки

Маркучи за строители материали За строителни материали

Защита на кабели За защита на кабели

Многофункционални маркучи Многофункционални

Стоманени маркучи Стоманени маркучи

Перисталтични помпи За перисталтични помпи

Криогенни маркучи Криогенни маркучи

Тефлонови маркучи PTFE (тефлонови) маркучи

Градински маркучи Градински маркучи

Селскостопански маркучи Селскостопански маркучи

Нови маркучи Нови маркучи


Често търсени

За аспирация Смукателни маркучи

За пренос на горива Маслоустойчиви маркучи

Маркучи за строители материали Абразивоустойчиви маркучи

За аспирация Вентилационни маркучи


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ZVA ABlue LV Пистолет за AdBlue за леки камиони до 3.5т. Максимален дебит 10 л/м; Вграден ограничител за деби; Няма стичащи се капки при поставяне на държач; Напълно отговаря на изискванията на EN 13012; ATEX сертификат за използване в MPD колонки; Човка отговаряна на ISO 22241-5 пълнеща точка
NANO Конзола
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Ebsray® Помпи
Ebsray® LPG Помпи
Последните успехи на Ebsray в индустрията с LPG, военно оборудване за зареждане на гориво и системи за трансфер на питейна вода, потвърдиха способността на компанията да адаптира своите продукти и възможности за производство на световните пазари.
Икона Значение
Pre-PUR®: NORRES uses a special polyurethane mixture for several of its hoses that sets them apart from the majority of commercially available products as follows:
• Higher mechanical strength; • Less abrasion; • Improved chemical resistance; • Higher softening points; • Better hot air ageing properties; • Better fl exibility at low temperatures
Approvals for use with foodstuffs: NORRES hoses with this symbol have one or more national and/ or international approvals and certifi cates of conformity that allow them to be used in food applications.
Flame Retard: NORRES hoses with the flame retardant icon have one or more national and/or international approvals classifying them as flame retardant or selfextinguishing.
Crush-proof: NORRES hoses with this symbol are able to resist crushing either partially or completely when driven over or stepped on.
Partially coloured: Thanks to a patented production method, transparent hoses can be coloured in the bead area according to your specifications, so that you can continue to observe the process directly. Strengthen your market position by consistently utilising your corporate design colours.
Smooth interior: NORRES hoses bearing this icon have optimal flow properties and offer the following advantages:
• Very high delivery rate; • Low pressure loss (reduced blower power and lower operating costs); • Gentler material transport; • Low wear and therefore longer service life
PVC-free: NORRES hoses with this symbol are 100% PVC-free.
Capable of electrostatic discharge: These hoses, the spiral of which can be earthed according to the new German technical rule TRBS 2153 (formerly BGR 132), are identifi ed by the icon shown here.
High fl exibility: This symbol is only used for NORRES hoses that have minimal counterforce and restoring force when bent.
Antistatic and electrically conductive hoses: According to the new ATEX Directive and the German TRBS 2153 regulation, hoses with a dischargecapable (antistatic < 109 Ω) or erlectically conductive (< 10³ Ω - < 106 Ω) wall should be used for combustible bulk materials as well as in hazardous areas. Please comply with all relevant regulations and standards and refer to the Technical Appendix for more details.
Ether-PUR: NORRES uses a special, highquality ether-polyurethane for several of its hoses instead of the esterpolyurethane frequently employed for commercial applications. It offers the following advantages:
• Resistance to microbial attack; • Resistance to hydrolysis; • Improved chemical resistance and better fl exibility at low temperatures than comparable ester-polyurethanes
Special wire adhesion: Hoses manufactured using our special, highly advanced, multi-stage adhesion process are marked with this symbol. The exceptionally long service life realised with these products – even when subjected to severe combined loads – would otherwise remain unattainable.
Special services and features in order of operational excellence. This includes an optimal gate service with many NORRES hose products. This added benefit of the customized service can be used for a small fee and you will be provided with the hose length which can suits your needs.
Glass/ fork symbol: NORRES hoses bearing this symbol have been issued with an offi cial approval from an independent testing institute for use in food applications in accordance with the EU Directive.
Permanently antistatic: Thanks to a novel, innovative material from NORRES, all hoses marked with this symbol are permanently antistatic (< 109 ).
Fire behavior according to German DIN 4102-B1 For compliance with the fire safety regulation and purely for health and safety reasons in many areas the use of flame-retardant hoses is necessary.To recognize which hoses are equipped from the extensive range of products with the appropriate standards for flammability and with a corresponding certificate.
Support access to the world’s major sales markets. Such marked products guarantees maximum quality and integrity, and throughout North America the UL Mark is recognized as the number one quality mark for safety. As well in South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia- Pacific region and Australia this mark is very widespread.
Unique products and solutions in the field of technical hoses.
HT-PUR: Pre-PUR® is additionally cross linked by NORRES in an innovative, patented process that makes the hoses more resistant to heat and less susceptible to ageing.
Phthalate-free: NORRES hoses with this symbol are 100% free of phthalate softener.
GREEN icon: NORRES pursues a successful sustainability strategy which, amongst other things, specifi es the following basic principles for product development:
• Bio-based sources of raw materials that are not in competition with food production
• „bioplastic“ derived from renewable raw materials boasting comparable properties to conventional plastics
• Raw materials with a low environmental impact based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) [= ecobalance]
• Focus on „bioplastic“ monomers derived from renewable raw materials for polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes and vinyl polymers
These specifi cations have fi rstly resulted in the development of bioplastics based, for example, on derivatives of castor oil. Their share is usually in the region of 50 to 20%, depending on the hardness and the nature of the synthetic material. The mechanical properties and chemical resistances of bioplastic raw materials are not signifi cantly different from those of our standard types. The approvals for the „bioplastic“ products which are available as an option may deviate from those of the standard types. Secondly, plastics and products with a relatively low environmental impact according to the life cycle assessmen(LCA) [= ecobalance] have meanwhile been developed and released for productive use.
All products identified with this icon are either manufactured from a bioplastic raw material as standard, or available in a bioplastic version as an option, or they have a comparatively good ecobalance.
Comply with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC banning the use of certain substances in the manufacture or processing of electrical and electronic equipment and components.The following substances are not contained in the abovementioned equipment according to the directive: Lead; Mercury; Cadmium; Sexavalent chromium; Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB); Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).
The revised Appendix to the Directive specifi es maximum concentrations for the materials contained in a product. The permitted concentrations are 0.01% by weight for cadmium and 0.1% by weight for the other fi ve substances. Brass and copper alloys must not contain more than 4% lead by weight. The acronym RoHS means “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment”.
Tested by UL. We use this mark for component parts that are part of a larger product or system. This test mark is probably the most widely accepted form of certification amongst consumers, regulatory authorities and insurance companies in the USA and Canada.
Tested and certified to meet applicable standards for safety or performance. These standards include those of UL (Underwriters Laboratories), ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and NSF (National Sanitation Foundation). The CSA Certification Mark appears on more than a billion products worldwide.
VDE Testing and Certification Institute indicates a product‘s conformity with the VDE standards or European or internationally harmonised standards and confirms its compliance with the protective requirements of the applicable EC Directives. Regular factory inspections and product surveillance are an integral part of granting and holding the relevant VDE Mark, which guarantees a uniform and constant product quality. The international recognition of the VDE Mark opens and ensures easy entry to many national and global markets.
No substances containing silicone are used in the production process. Silicone can have a particularly adverse effect on paint compatibility. In car body shops, for example, even the slightest contamination can lead to serious defects on the paintwork surface. The raw material formulations used to make the materials for products bearing this mark contain no silicone.
Contain no halogens.The halogens are a series of chemical compounds including chlorine, bromine and iodine. Halogens are contained in certain plastics and above all in many flame retardants. These substances are particularly undesirable in combustion processes, where they represent a potential health hazard.
Contain no cadmium. Cadmium compounds used to be contained in many plastics as light-fast pigments or stabilisers. However, since cadmium is also a highly toxic heavy metal that can pollute the environment as a result of migration or refuse incineration, its use is often limited today.
Electromagnetic Compatibility. Products bearing this mark incorporate a particularly high degree of shielding. EMC is the globally accepted acronym for “Electromagnetic Compatibility”.